Out of 22 contestants, Watson Chinedu Uzochukwu emerged victorious in the "Mr. & Miss Nigeria International pageantry" and was crowned Mr. Nigeria International Top Model 2017 on the 7th of October 2017. The pageant was put together by Brendance and crusaders limited , The same organization which produced the current Miss International World Classic 2017. Brendance and Crusaders Limited has been a major team player of some major events which include Mr. and Miss Nigeria International Miss Nigeria (2003-2010), Miss Tourism (2004 -2010), Prettiest girl in Nigeria 2006, Sisi Oge Pride of Africa 2005 - 2013, Mr. and Miss Glo rock and Rule 2008 – 2009, Naija at 50 national fashion show, Abuja carnival 2009, Miss Lagos Carnival 2010, Miss FCT 2010- 2013, Glo pageant festival 2010 till date F.A.M.E concert 2014 .The Younger Judge ever in Abuja National Carnival 2007-2013 among others. (YOU MAY ALSO LIKE TO READ: DELTA REP CROWNED MISS NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL PLANET 2017) The event...